Tagged: TMS Entertainment

ZETMAN (Pachinko) by FUJI

The first volume just wrapped up, and while we are eagerly awaiting the release of the special volume we will introduce a pachinko based on the near-future science fiction manga ZETMAN!
Just as in the original, Jin and Koga’s different senses of justice are portrayed and you can choose to play as either one!
If only their justice could join forces…
Experience the most intense battle from the most intense heroes!
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Sengoku Otome 3 (Pachinko) by HEIWA



The newest installment of a series about the greatest military commander in Japanese history is coming to the Pachinko world.
In order to dash the hopes of Kashin, a witch doctor plotting to destroy the world, 11 young girls are gathering?!
The movements of Nobunaga, Kenshin, Hideyoshi and the beautiful strong young girls are something you won’t be able to take your eyes off of!!