Tagged: Elements Garden

战姬绝唱Symphogear ”簡体字” 戰姬絕唱 SYMPHOGEAR”繁体字” by SANKYO


另外,已发表的第四季《战姬绝唱SYMPHOGEAR AXZ》於2017年7月1日起开始在日本电视台开播中。
原作描述一群拥有著特殊SYMPHOGEAR 装甲系统能力的少女们,她们为了维持和平,对抗一种称为「Noise」的特异灾害的英勇奋斗之故事。

本週要介紹的主題是人氣動畫「戰姬絕唱 SYMPHOGEAR」的柏青哥。
同時也向大家推薦系列中的第四季《戰姬絕唱SYMPHOGEAR AXZ》於2017年7月1日起在日本電台上映中。
原作描述一群擁有著特殊SYMPHOGEAR 裝甲系統能力的少女們,她們為了維持和平,對抗一種稱做「Noise」的特異災害之英勇奮鬥故事。

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Symphogear(Pachinko) by SANKYO


This time, we will be introducing a pachinko machine of “Symphogear”, which its latest anime series of “AXZ” is currently being aired.
Its original story is about a battle against an alien race called “Noise” by using an armor alled “Symphogear”.
Renditions and songs by famous voice actors such as Aoi Yuki, Nana Mizuki and Miyuki Sawashiro is a must see!!
Also, one of the most important renditions is called “Zessho”. Players have huge chance of winning once this rendition occurs!!
It has already made its debut on October 21st.
Let’s see the actions of girls at the parlor.

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Tantei Opera Milky Holmes TD ~Vanished 7 and the Song of a Miracle~ (Pachislot) by DAXEL


Today, we will be introducing a pachislot machine of “Detective Opera Milky Holmes”, a highly popular content that started as a game and got developed into wide range of genres, such as anime, radio, card games and manga!!
It has released a movie on February 27th, attracting many of its fans.
Many of the scenes from the movie are used for this pachislot machine that all players can agree on its quality.
As for its rendition aspect, it uses a “story system”, so that players get to play pachislot while watching the anime.
Also, there are original stories unique only to this pachislot machine!!
This pachislot machine of Milky Holmes can be enjoyed not only by fans, but also by people who aren’t familiar with it. It is expected to make its debut in April!!

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