GI Derby Club(Pachislot) by KPE
Today, we will be introducing a pachislot machine called “GI Derby Club”, which features the training of racehorses!!
Its gaming feature is quite simple that player trains famous racehorses in Japan to win high stake races!!
If the players win 10 high stakes races, then they will get a chance to race in a “Prix de L’Arc de Triomphe”, the Group 1 horse race where world’s fastest racehorses race!!
And if the racehorse player trained wins this race…!?
Also, player should pay attention to is an assistant character called Mako, who has a pink hair.
She is a very important character as she will help you train your racehorse!!
Pay close attention to her every move!!
This machine has already made its debut!!
Rush to the parlor now!!

RUNDY GOLF 人気競走馬 マグネット式クリップマーカー 02ROF002 OR
ヌイグルミ S ゴールドシップ 第57回有馬記念
ホースコレクションフィギュア マーベラスサンデー 6000体限定

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